

Optimize your health with FSA Online coaching! With tailored nutrition- and exercise-programs, our coach guides you towards your goals, wherever you are. Start your journey today and let us shape your path to a healthier lifestyle together!
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Platserna hos oss är begränsade, och jag vill därför veta: är du redo att investera tid och pengar i detta?
Jag är
Jag är
Vad motiverar dig till att börja NU?
Vilket datum är det senaste datum du kan tänka dig påbörja din resa?
Är du redo att komma igång med din hälsoresa nu? (önskar du endast lite info finner du frågor och svar längre ner på sidan)

Strength Program

Tailor-made strength programs & training plans

Your training schedule will be tailored to you and your goals. We take into account how often you want/can train, previous injuries, but also what level you are at in terms of training. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or have been training for a number of years - we got YOU!

Diet program

För dig som vill fokusera på ditt kost- och näringsintag! Vårt Kostpaket erbjuder skräddarsydda kostprogram som passar dina unika behov. Vi tar hänsyn till ev. allergier och olika matpreferenser. Njut av en hälsosam kost och låt oss vägleda dig mot dina mål.

Online 360

Maximize your success with our comprehensive package, including customized nutrition programs and training regimens. With weekly follow-ups and new programs every month, it's your ticket to sustainable change.


For as long as I can remember I have loved and been fascinated by the body in movement. I dedicated many years to elite sports both as a figure skater and later as a professional fighter. My lifelong passion for exercise developed into a desire and a drive to help others to feel not only the joy of exercise but also the well-being a more active lifestyle brings and the sense of self a strong and healthy body gives. Be by your side both when you step into the world of thai boxing for the first time or when you're getting ready for matches. But also if you want to take an anatomical journey in strength training and become your strongest, most balanced self.